
The MBMG Geohazards Program has a mission to catalog, assess, and monitor geologic hazards across the State of Montana. The Geohazards Program strives to provide information on active faults, earthquakes, and landslides, and makes these data available to the scientific community, policy makers, and the public.

Active faults


The MBMG provides research and information on Montana’s active faults that demonstrate fault activity during recent geologic time (Quaternary faults) and have the potential to generate damaging earthquakes.

Earthquake Studies


The Earthquake Studies Office monitors, analyzes, and reports on Montana earthquakes and makes these data available to the scientific community and the public.



The Landslide Hazards Program aims to identify, map, and categorize landslide areas across the State of Montana.


2024 Montana Geohazards Workshop

The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (MBMG) is organizing the 2024 Montana Geohazards Workshop to be held in partnership with the Missoula Disaster and Emergency Services office at the University Center, Room 330/331, University of Montana, in Missoula May 1-2, 2024. See agenda for more information.

2023 Montana Geohazards Workshop

The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (MBMG) organized the 2023 Montana Geohazards Workshop held by the Disaster and Emergency Services office in Fort Harrison on April 26-27, 2023. In addition, FEMA training courses were provided following the workshop in Fort Harrison on April 27-28, 2023.
See agenda and directions for more information.

2022 Montana Geohazards Workshop

Geohazard Photograph

The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology (MBMG) at Montana Tech hosted the Montana Geohazards Workshop on April 28, 2022.