John LaFave

John LaFave

Research Division Chief—Professor
Phone: (406) 496-4306
1300 West Park Street
Butte, MT 59701

  • Biographical Information
  • Outreach & Presentations
  • Publications


1987—M.A., Geology, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
1983—B.S., Geology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

Biography & Research Interests

John has been part of the MBMG research staff since 1993, and currently serves as the Research Division Chief. For many years he acted as Program Manager for the MBMG?s Montana Ground Water Assessment Program. His research is focused on enhancing groundwater monitoring of Montana's principal aquifers and assessing regional groundwater quality. He also serves as an Associate Director of the Montana Water Center, is a western-state representative to the National Groundwater Monitoring Network Board, and is an Affiliate Faculty member of the Montana Tech Department of Geological Engineering.

Date Citation
10/8/2021 LaFave, J., and Carstarphen, C. A., 2021, Groundwater Quality in Carbon and Stillwater Counties. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, virtual conference, October 2021.
10/10/2019 LaFave, J., 2019, Assessing Groundwater at the State Scale from the MBMG Perspective. Presented at the American Water Resources Association, Montana Section Annual Meeting, in Red Lodge, Montana, October 10-22, 2019.
9/23/2019 LaFave, J., 2019, Baseline Water-Quality Characterization of an Alpine Watershed, south-central Montana. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Phoenix, AZ, Abstracts with Program, Paper No. 69-4.
4/11/2019 LaFave, J., 2019, Domestic Wells and Groundwater-Upper Yellowstone Watershed. Upper Yellowstone Drought Focus Group, April 11, 2019.
12/17/2018 LaFave, J., and Madison, J., 2018, Groundwater Conditions - Tobacco Watershed - Eureak Area: Presented at a Public Meeting, Eureka, Montana, December 17, 2018.
12/8/2018 LaFave, J., 2018, Montana's Ground Water Assessment Program: Presented to NW Montana Sanitarians’ Association Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 8, 2018.
12/6/2018 LaFave, J., 2018, Groundwater Conditions in NW Montana: Presented to the NW Montana Sanitarians, Kalispell, Montana, December 6, 2018.
12/4/2018 LaFave, J., 2018, National Groundwater Monitoring Network: Presented to the Subcommittee on Groundwater, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 4-5, 2018.
10/18/2018 LaFave, J., 2018, Assessing Drought Impacts and Ground Truthing Big Data. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, West Yellowstone, MT October 2018.
12/5/2017 LaFave, J., and Buckley, L., 2017, Montana’s Monitoring Network and Database: Presented at the National Groundwater Monitoring Network New Data Providers Meeting in Conjunction with NGWA Groundwater Summit and Groundwater Week, Nashville, Tennessee, December 5, 2017.
12/4/2017 LaFave, J., 2017, Montana in the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network: Presented at the National Groundwater Association Groundwater Summit, Nashville, Tennessee, December 4, 2017.
10/5/2017 LaFave, J., 2017, Montana in the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Helena, MT October 2017.
6/8/2017 LaFave, J., 2017, Updates on the MBMG Ground Water Assessment Program: Presented to the Montana Ground Water Assessment Steering Committee, Butte, Montana, June 8, 2017.
4/26/2017 Richter, M., and LaFave, J., 2017, Groundwater Conditions in the Upper Madison Valley: Presented at the Madison Watershed Planning Meeting, Ennis, Montana, April 26, 2017.
12/6/2016 LaFave, J.I., 2016, National Ground-Water Monitoring Network – Data Provider: Montana Update: Presented at the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network Data Providers Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 6, 2016.
10/14/2016 LaFave, J.I., 2016, Baseline Water-Quality Investigation, Emigrant Creek Watershed, Southcentral Montana: Presented at the Montana American Water Resources Association Conference, Fairmont, Montana, October 14, 2016.
10/13/2016 Carstarphen, C., and LaFave, J.I., 2016, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology's Groundwater Assessment Program Fluoride Concentrations in Montana's Groundwater: Poster Presentation at the Montana American Water Resources Association Conference, Fairmont, Montana, October 13, 2016.
10/13/2016 Carstarphen, C.A., LaFave, J.I., and Crowley, J., 2016, Fluoride Concentrations in Montana's Groundwater: Poster Presented at Montana American Water Resources Association Conference, Fairmont, Montana, October 13, 2016.
10/12/2016 LaFave, J.I., 2016, Baseline Water-Quality-Emigrant Creek Watershed. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Kalispell, Montana, October 2016.
10/22/2015 LaFave, J.I., 2015, Montana's Groundwater Resources: Presented to Dr. Bok Sowell's Natural Resource Conservation Class, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, October 22, 2015.
10/21/2015 LaFave, J.I., and Abdo, G., 2015, Irrigation and Incidental Recharge in Montana. Presented at Enhancing Stream Flows Through Shallow Aquifer Recharge, Helena, Oct. 2015.
10/21/2015 LaFave, J.I., and Abdo, G., 2015, Irrigation and Incidental Recharge in Montana: Presented at the DNRC Workshop, Helena, Montana, October 21, 2015
9/22/2015 LaFave, J.I., 2015, Tracking Montana's Groundwater: Presented at the 2015 NGWA Upper Great Plains Groundwater Conference, Cheyenne, Wyoming, September 22, 2015.
6/2/2015 LaFave, J.I., 2015, Overview of the Montana Ground Water Assessment Program: Presented to the Water Policy Interim Committee, Helena, Montana, June 2, 2015.
6/2/2015 Metesh, J., LaFave, J., and Abdo, G., 2015, Ground Water Investigation Program: Presented at the Water Policy Interim Committee Meeting, Helena, Montana, June 2, 2015, exhibit 9.
6/2/2015 Metesh, J., LaFave, J.I., and Abdo. G, 2015, Ground Water Assessment Program: Presented at the Water Policy Interim Committee Meeting, Helena, Montana, June 2, 2015, exhibit 8.
6/2/2015 Metesh, J., LaFave, J.I., and Abdo. G, 2015, Ground Water Program: Presented at the Water Policy Interim Committee Meeting, Helena, Montana, June 2, 2015, exhibit 7.
4/24/2015 LaFave, J.I., and Crowley, J., 2015, Long-Term Trends in Base Flow, Precipitation, and Groundwater Development in the Bitterroot Watershed: Poster Presentation at Clark Fork River Symposium, Missoula, Montana, April 24, 2015.
4/23/2015 LaFave, J.I., 2015, Groundwater Conditions and Use in the Clark Fork and Kootenai River Basins: Presented at the Clark Fork River Symposium, Missoula, Montana, April 23-24, 2015.
4/22/2015 LaFave, J.I., 2015, Tracking Montana's Groundwater: 20 Years of Lessons Learned: Presented at the Montana State University, Institute of Ecosystems Rough Cut Lecture Series, Bozeman, Montana, April 22, 2015.
4/15/2015 LaFave, J.I., 2015, Groundwater Conditions and Use in the Clark Fork and Kootenai River Basins. Presented at Clark Fork Symposium, Missoula, April 2015.
3/5/2015 LaFave, J.I., 2015, Montana's Groundwater Resources: Presented to Dr. Stella Capoccia's Biology Class at Montana Tech, Butte, Montana, March 5, 2015.
1/22/2015 LaFave, J.I., 2015, Fox Hills Monitoring Proposal: Presented to the Legislative Long Range Planning Committee, Helena, Montana, January 22, 2015.
1/8/2015 LaFave, J.I., 2015, Tracking Montana's Groundwater: 20 Years of Lessons Learned: Presented at the Montana Tech Public Lecture Series, Butte, Montana, January 8, 2015.
11/18/2014 Abdo, G., and LaFave, J., 2014, Ground Water Investigations Program and the Groundwater Assessment Program: Presented to the Montana Salinity Control Association and Montana Association of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting, Fairmont, Montana, November 18, 2014.
11/17/2014 Abdo, G., and LaFave, J., 2014, Ground Water Investigations Program and the Groundwater Assessment Program: Presented to the Clark Fork and Kootenai River Basins Task Force, Missoula, Montana, November 17, 2014.
10/8/2014 LaFave, J.I., 2014, Survey of Nitrate in Montana's Groundwater: Presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, American Water Resources Association Abstracts with Programs, Kalispell, Montana, October 8-10, 2014.
10/8/2014 LaFave, J.I., 2014, Tracking Montana's Groundwater: Presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, American Water Resources Association, Kalispell, Montana, October 8-10, 2014.
10/1/2014 LaFave, J.I., 2014, Yellowstone Controlled Ground Water Area Long-Term Monitoring: Presented at the Annual Technical Oversight Committee Meeting, Bozeman, Montana, October 2014.
6/24/2014 LaFave, J.I., 2014, Activities of the Ground Water Assessment Program: Presented to the Montana Association of Oil, Gas and Coal Counties, Lewistown, Montana, June 24, 2014.
5/19/2014 LaFave, J., and Crowley, J., 2014, Long-term Stream-flow Trends in the Bitterroot River Watershed, Montana: Presented at the Rocky Mountain and Cordilleran Join Geological Society of America Meeting, Bozeman, Montana, May 19-21, 2014.
4/23/2014 LaFave, J.I., 2014, Survey of Nitrate in Montana's Groundwater: Presented at the Montana Nitrate Conference, Helena, Montana, April 23-24, 2014.
2/26/2014 Abdo, G., and LaFave, J., 2014, Groundwater Assessment and Ground Water Investigations: Presented to the Upper Missouri River Basin State Water Plan Working Group, Helena, Montana, February 26, 2014.
2/20/2014 LaFave, J.I., 2014, Ground Water Assessment Program: Presented at the Montana Tech Public Lecture Series, Butte, Montana, February 20, 2014.
1/30/2014 LaFave, J.I., 2014, Groundwater in Carbon County: Presented at the Montana Petroleum Forum, Red Lodge, Montana, January 30, 2014.
1/6/2014 LaFave, J.I., 2014, Update on the Ground-Water Assessment Program Work in Park and Sweet Grass Counties: Presented to the Water Policy Interim Committee, Helena, Montana, January 6, 2014.
12/13/2013 LaFave, J.I., 2013, Groundwater in the Yellowstone Basin - Aquifers, Wells, and Groundwater Use: Presented to the Yellowstone Basin Advisory Council, Billings, Montana, December 13, 2013.
10/3/2013 LaFave, J., and Crowley, J., 2013, Hydrogeologic Framework Database for Madison and Gallatin Counties, Montana: Presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, American Water Resources Association Conference, Bozeman, Montana, October 3, 2013.
10/3/2013 LaFave, J., and Crowley, J., 2013, Long-Term Stream-Flow Trends In In The Bitterroot River Watershed, Montana: Presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, American Water Resources Association Conference, Bozeman, Montana, October 3, 2013.
9/10/2013 Wheaton, J., Abdo, G., LaFave, J., and Michalek, T., 2013, Groundwater Flow Model and Surface Water Interaction Principles: Demonstrated at the Water Policy Interim Committee Meeting, Helena, Montana, September 10, 2013.
6/18/2013 LaFave, J.I., 2013, GWAP: Presented to WPIC, Butte, Montana, June 18, 2013.
5/29/2013 LaFave, J.I., 2013, GWAP: Presented at the Shields Valley Energy Workshop, May 29, 2013.
4/11/2013 LaFave, J.I., 2013, GWAP Update: Presented to Paradise Valley Watershed Group, April 11, 2013.
3/25/2013 LaFave, J.I., 2013, GWAP Update: Presented to the Shields Valley Watershed Group, March 25, 2013.
7/13/2012 Wheaton, J., J., Rose, J., Waren, K., and LaFave, J., 2012, Ground Water Investigation Program (GWIP) Overview of Confined and Unconfined Aquifers: Presented at the Water Policy Interim Committee Meeting, Helena, Montana, July 13, 2012.
5/9/2012 LaFave, J.I., 2012, Quality and Age of Water in the Madison Aquifer, Cascade County, Montana. Presented at 2012 NGWA Groundwater Summit, Pasadena CA, May 2012.
10/6/2011 LaFave, J., 2011, Quality and Age of Water in the Madison Aquifer, Cascade County, Montana: Presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, American Water Resources Association Conference, Great Falls, Montana, October 6, 2011.
10/14/2010 LaFave, J.I., 2010, Groundwater Use in the Clark Fork Basin, Montana. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Helena, Montana, October 2010.
9/28/2010 LaFave, J.I., 2010, Incidental Recharge in Montana. Presented at 2010 Groundwater Protection Council Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, Sept. 2010.
4/6/2010 LaFave, J.I., 2010, Incidental Recharge in Montana. Presented at 2010 National Groundwater Association's Groundwater Summit, Denver, Colorado, April 2010.
3/15/2010 LaFave, J.I., 2010, Groundwater Use in the Clark Fork Basin, Montana. Presented at 2010 Clark Fork Basin Symposium, Missoula, Montana, March 2010.
3/15/2010 LaFave, J.I., 2010, Incidental Recharge and Exempt Wells in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana. Presented at 2010 Clark Fork Basin Symposium, Missoula, Montana, March 2010.
10/1/2009 LaFave, J.I., 2009, Arsenic in Groundwater near Dayton, Montana. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Missoula, Montana, October 2009.
10/3/2008 LaFave, J.I., 2008, Incidental Recharge In Montana: AWRA Annual Conference, Big Sky, Montana, October 3, 2008.
10/2/2008 LaFave, J.I., 2008, Elevated Sulfate and Nitrate Associated with the Boulder Batholith at the Headwaters of the Clark Fork Basin: Poster Presentation at the AWRA Annual Conference, Big Sky, Montana, October 2, 2008.
10/11/2007 LaFave, J.I., 2007, The Impact of Ground-Water Development on Surface-Water Flows in the Bitterroot River. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Lewistown, Montana, October 2007.
10/12/2006 LaFave, J.I., 2006, Nitrate in domestic wells: a Montana ground-water assessment perspective. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Polson, Montana, October 2006.
10/27/2005 LaFave, J.I., 2005, Occurrence and Chemistry of Springs in the Pryor Mountains, Montana. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Bozeman, Montana, October 2005.
10/4/2004 LaFave, J.I., 2004, Bitterroot Valley Ground-Water Quality. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Helena, Montana, October 2004.
9/25/2004 LaFave, J.I., 2004, Nitrate in the Summit Valley of Southwest Montana. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 5, p. 464
9/25/2004 LaFave, J.I., 2004, Tracing ground-water flow in the Missoula Valley aquifer, southwest Montana. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Program 2004 Rocky Mountain and Cordilleran Sections, Vol. 36, No.4, p. 25.
10/2/2003 LaFave, J.I., 2003, Potentiometric surface map of the basin-fill and fractured bedrock aquifer system in the Bitterroot Valley, Ravalli County, Montana. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Butte, Montana, October 2003.
10/3/2002 LaFave, J.I., 2002, Nitrate in the Summit Valley of Southwest Montana. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Livingston, Montana, October 2002.
3/11/2002 LaFave, J.I., 2002, A fractured bedrock and deep basin-fill aquifer system in the Kalispell valley, northwest Montana. Presented Fractured-Rock Aquifers 2002 Conference, Denver, Colorado, March 2002.
10/4/2001 LaFave, J.I., 2001, Noble and ignoble gases in the Missoula Valley aquifer. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, Missoula, Montana, October 2001.
10/5/2000 LaFave, J.I., 2000, Mantle flatulence and septic effluent: sampling the Missoula aquifer for environmental tracers. Presented at the Montana Section AWRA meeting, West Yellowstone, Montana, October 2000.
LaFave, J., 2014, Hydrogeology: Presented at the Oil and Water Resources Meeting, Red Lodge, Montana, 2014.
LaFave, J.I., 2015, Yellowstone Controlled Ground Water Area Long-Term Monitoring: Presented at the Annual Technical Oversight Committee Meeting, Bozeman, Montana, 2015.
Year Citation
2024 Carstarphen, C., Timmer, J., LaFave, J.I., Gammons, C., Bolhuis, K., Gardner, W.P., Swierc, J., Jencso, K., and Ewing, S., 2024, Montana Precipitation Isotope Network (MTPIN): 4-year stable water isotope data from pilot network stations in western Montana (2018-2022) and a vision forward: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Ground-Water Open-File Report 25, 50 p.
2024 Heath, M.N., Carstarphen, C.A., Mason, D.C., LaFave, J.I., Richter, M.G., Madison, J.P., Edinberg, S.C., and Blythe, D.D., 2024, Data for water wells visited during the Park-Sweet Grass ground water characterization study: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 9-02, 1 sheet.
2024 LaFave, John I., 2024, Final Technical Report for NGWMN Award G20AC00187: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Miscellaneous Contribution 25, 23 p.
2022 Hanson, A.E.H., and LaFave, J.I., 2022, Manganese concentrations in Montana's groundwater: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Report of Investigation 31, 31 p.
2022 LaFave, J.I., and Carstarphen, C.A., 2022, Groundwater quality of Carbon and Stillwater Counties, south-central Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 6-04, 39 p.
2021 English, A., LaFave, J.I., and Richter, M., 2021, Yellowstone Controlled Groundwater Area, Montana long-term monitoring program: Data summary report: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 743, 126 p.
2020 Blythe, D., and LaFave, J, 2020, Hydrogeologic map of Carbon and Stillwater Counties, south-central Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 6-02, Carbon and Stillwater Counties, Montana, October 21, 2020.
2020 Blythe, Daniel D., and LaFave, John I., 2020, Hydrogeologic map of Carbon and Stillwater Counties, south-central Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 6-02, 17 p., 1 sheet.
2020 LaFave, J, 2020, Technical reports completed for the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network, 2015-2019, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Miscellaneous Contribution 22, Carbon, Custer, Dawson, Fallon, Fergus, Garfield, Hill, McCone, Musselshell, Petroleum, Phillips, Powder River, Prairie, Richland, Roosevelt, Rosebud, Stillwater, Toole, Wibaux, Yellowstone Counties, August 31, 2020.
2020 LaFave, John I., 2020, Principal aquifers of Montana, in Metesh, J.J., and Gammons, C.H., eds., Geology of Montana-Special Topics: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 122, v. 2, 33 p.
2018 Carstarphen, C.A., and LaFave, J.I., 2018, Groundwater quality of Gallatin and Madison Counties, southwest Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 8-03, 2 sheets.
2017 Crowley, J.J., LaFave, J.I., Bergantino, R.N., Carstarphen, C.A., and Patton, T.W., 2017, Principal aquifers of Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Hydrogeologic Map 11, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
2017 LaFave, J.I., Carstarphen, C.A., and Crowley, J., 2017, Fluoride concentrations in Montana's groundwater: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Hydrogeologic Map 10, 1 sheet.
2016 LaFave, J.I., 2016, Baseline water-quality investigation, Emigrant Creek watershed, south-central Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Ground-Water Open-File Report 23, 24 p.
2015 Carstarphen, C.A., LaFave, J.I., Crowley, J., Mason, D.C., Richter, M.G., Madison, J.P. and Blythe, D.D., 2015, Data for water wells, springs, and streams visited during the Gallatin-Madison Ground Water Characterization Study: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 8-01, 40 p., 1 sheet.
2015 LaFave, J.I., 2015, Groundwater-Themed MBMG 2015 Calendar.
2014 Carstarphen, C., Patton, T., and LaFave, J.I., 2014, Water levels in the Upper West Bench alluvial aquifer, Red Lodge, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Information Pamphlet 8, 8 p.
2014 LaFave, J.I., 2014, Tracking Montana's Groundwater: Montana Petroleum Association, The Treasure State Journal, p. 22 -24.
2014 LaFave, J.I., 2014, Tracking Montana's groundwater: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Information Pamphlet 9, 10 p.
2014 Madison, J.P., LaFave, J.I., Patton, T.W., Smith, L.N., and Olson, J.N., 2014, Groundwater resources of the Middle Yellowstone River area: Treasure and Yellowstone counties, Montana Part A* - Descriptive Overview and Water-Quality Data: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 3-A, 82 p.
2013 LaFave, J.I., 2013, Groundwater quality in basin-fill and bedrock aquifers, Deer Lodge, Granite, Powell, and Silver Bow counties: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 5-04, 1 sheet.
2013 Smith, L.N., LaFave, J.I., and Patton, T.W., 2013, Groundwater resources of the Lolo-Bitterroot area: Mineral, Missoula, and Ravalli counties, Montana Part A* - Descriptive Overview and Water-Quality Data: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 4-A, 96 p.
2011 Waren, K.B., and LaFave, J.I., 2011, Potentiometric surface map of basin fill and selected bedrock aquifers: Deer Lodge, Granite, Powell, and Silver Bow Counties, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Montana Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 5-03, 1 sheet.
2008 Abdo, G., Icopini, G., LaFave, J., Michalek, T., Metesh, J., and Waren, K., 2008, Lower Beaverhead River Case Study: in Final Case Study Report to the 60th Legislature Water Policy Interim Committee, 135 p., September 11, 2008.
2008 LaFave, J.I., 2008, Case Study: Ground water use and development in the Bitterroot watershed, in, Final Case Study Report to the 60th Legislature Water Policy Committee. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, September 11, 2008, pp. 95-106.
2008 LaFave, J.I., 2008, General concepts of stream aquifer interaction and introduction to the Closed basin area, in, Final Case Study Report to the 60th Legislature Water Policy Committee. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, September 11, 2008, pp. 3-25.
2008 LaFave, J.I., 2008, Nitrate in the ground water and surface water of the Summit Valley near Butte, Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology: Ground-Water Open-File Report 22, 35 p.
2007 Olson, J.L., Smith, L.N., LaFave, J.I., 2007, Characterization of the Bull Mountain aquifer system in Treasure and Yellowstone Counties, Middle Yellowstone River Area, Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology: Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 3B-04, 1 sheet(s), 1:250,000.
2006 LaFave, J.I., 2006, Ground water quality in basin-fill and bedrock aquifers, Mineral and Missoula counties, western Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology: Ground-water Assessment Atlas 4B-07, 1 sheet(s), 1:500,000.
2006 LaFave, J.I., 2006, Ground-water quality in shallow basin-fill, deep basin-fill and bedrock aquifers, Bitterroot Valley, Missoula and Ravalli counties, southwest Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology: Ground-water Assessment Atlas 4B-09, 1 sheet(s), 1:500,000.
2006 LaFave, J.I., 2006, Potentiometric surface of the basin-fill and bedrock aquifers, Mineral and Missoula counties, Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology: Ground-water Assessment Atlas 4B-06, 1 sheet(s), 1:100,000.
2006 LaFave, J.I., 2006, Potentiometric surface of the shallow basin-fill, deep basin-fill, and bedrock aquifers, Bitterroot Valley, Missoula and Ravalli counties, western Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology: Ground-water Assessment Atlas 4B-08, 1 sheet(s), 1:500,000.
2004 Carstarphen, C.A., LaFave, J.I., and Patton, T.W., 2004, Water Levels and Nitrate in Warne Heights, Upper Summit Valley, Silver Bow County, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 18, 52 p.
2004 Carstarphen, C.A., Mason, D.C., Smith, L.N., Lafave, J.I., and Richter, M.G., 2004, Data for Water Wells Visited During the Upper Clark Fork River Area Ground-Water Characterization Study: Deer Lodge, Granite, Powell, and Silver Bow Counties, Upper Clark Fork River Basin Steering Committee, 1994: Upper Clark Fork River Basin Water Management Plan, Helena, MT.
2004 LaFave, J.I., Smith, L.N., Patton, T.W., 2004, Ground-water resources of the Flathead Lake Area: Flathead, Lake, and parts of Missoula and Sanders counties. Part A- Descriptive overview: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology: Ground-water Assessment Atlas 2A, 132 p.
2004 McDonald, Catherine, LaFave, J.I., 2004, Groundwater assessment of selected shallow aquifers in the north Flathead Valley and Flathead Lake perimeter, northwest Montana, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open File Report 492, 40 p.
2003 Patton, Thomas W., Smith, Larry N., and LaFave, J.I., 2003, Ground-water resources of the Flathead Lake area: Flathead, Lake, Sanders, and Missoula Counties, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Information Pamphlet No. 4, 4 p.
2002 Carstarphen, C. A., Mason, Donald C., Smith, Larry N., LaFave, J.I., and Richter, Michael G., 2002, Data for water wells visited during the Lolo-Bitterroot area Ground-Water Characterization Study: Ravalli, Mineral, Missoula Counties, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 4, Part B Map 1, scale 1:250,000.
2002 LaFave, J.I., 2002, Tracing ground-water flow in the Missoula Valley aquifer, Southwest Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Ground-Water Assessment Open-File Report 17, 16 p.
2002 LaFave, J.I., Patton, Tom W., Smith, Larry N., Carstarphen, C. A., 2002, A fractured bedrock and deep basin-fill aquifer system in the Kalispell valley, northwest Montana: Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association Fractured-Rock Aquifers 2002 Conference, Denver, Colorado, p. 27-31.
2000 LaFave, J.I., 2000, Dissolved constituents map of the Deep Aquifer, Kalispell Valley: Flathead County, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 2, Part B, Map 3, scale 1:63,360.
2000 LaFave, J.I., 2000, Dissolved constituents map of the southern part of the Flathead Lake Area, Lake, Missoula, Sanders Counties, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 2, Part B, Map 5, scale 1:100,000.
2000 LaFave, J.I., 2000, Potentiometric surface map of the Deep Aquifer, Kalispell Valley: Flathead County, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 2, Part B, Map 2, scale 1:63,360.
2000 LaFave, J.I., 2000, Potentiometric surface map of the southern part of the Flathead Lake Area, Lake, Missoula, Sanders Counties, Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Ground-Water Assessment Atlas 2, Part B, Map 4, scale 1:100,000.
1996 Smith, L.N., and LaFave, J.I., 1996, Hydrogeologic Framework and Groundwater Resources of East-Central Montana: in Hunter, L.D., eds., 1995 Williston Basin Symposium, Montana Geological Society, Billings, p. 429-443.
1995 Smith, L.N., and LaFave, J.I., 1995, Hydrogeologic Framework and Groundwater Resources of East-Central Montana: in Hunter, L.D., eds., Seventh International Williston Basin Symposium Guidebook.