Year |
Citation |
2025 |
Calhoun, M.W., Duaime, T.E., DePriest, N., Quaranta, J.D., and Ziemkiewicz, P., 2025, West Virginia University rare earth element recovery demonstration, Project EDT-99: Summary report 2023: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 767, 18 p.
2025 |
Duaime, T.E., Quarles, J.T., and Vitale, M.J., 2025, Identification and characterization of rare earth elements in large-scale mine wastes--Task 4 data summary report: Year 1 (2022-2023): Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 769, 41 p.
2025 |
Van Rythoven, A., Duaime, T.E., and Davison, R., 2025, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology project summaries: Materials technology for rare earth elements processing (MT-REEP)--Army Research Lab: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Miscellaneous Publications and Maps 77, 20 p.
2024 |
Duaime, T.E., McGrath, S.F., Icopini, G.A., Quarles, J.T., and Vitale, M.J., 2024, Butte Mine Flooding Operable Unit water-level monitoring and water-quality sampling, 2023 consent decree update, Butte, Montana 1982-2023: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 766, 168 p.
2024 |
Vitale, M., Quarles, J., Duaime, T., Roitz, J., and Calhoun, M., 2024, Preliminary data release of mine waste assays from abandoned and inactive mines across Montana: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Analytical Dataset 12.
2023 |
Duaime, T.E., McGrath, S.F., and Icopini, G.A., 2023, Butte Mine Flooding Operable Unit: Forty years of water-level monitoring and water-quality sampling, 2022 Consent Decree update, Butte, Montana 1982-2022: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 761, 167 p.
2023 |
Duaime, Ted, 2023, Critical mineral commodity potential in the Butte Mining District: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Fact Sheet 2, 2 p.
2022 |
Duaime, T.E., McGrath, S.F., and Icopini, G.A., 2022, Butte Mine Flooding Operable Unit water-level monitoring and water-quality sampling 2021 consent decree update Butte, Montana, 1982-2021: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 751, 170 p.
2021 |
Duaime, T., McGrath, S., Icopini, G., and Thale, P., 2021, Butte Mine Flooding Operable Unit water-level monitoring and water-quality sampling 2019 consent decree update, Butte, Montana, 1982-2019: Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 736, Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana, January 21, 2021.
2020 |
Duaime, T., McGrath, S., Icopini, G., and Thale, P., 2020, Butte Mine Flooding Operable Unit water-level monitoring and water-quality sampling 2018 consent decree update, Butte, Montana, 1982-2018, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 731, Butte, Silver Bow County, Montana, July 21, 2020.
2013 |
McGivern, G. and Duaime, T.E., 2013, Aqueous Geochemistry of the "Other" Pit Lake in Butte, Montana: IMWA, Golden, Colorado, p. 1041-1046.
2010 |
Gammons, C. H., Duaime, T. E., Parker, S. R., Poulson, S. R., and Kennelly, P., January 01, 2010, Geochemistry and Stable Isotope Investigation of Acid Mine Drainage Associated with Abandoned Coal Mines in Central Montana, USA: Chemical Geology, 269, p. 100-112.
2006 |
Gammons, C.H., and Duaime, T.E, 2006, Long-Term Changes in the Limnology and Geochemistry of the Berkeley Pit Lake, Butte, MT: Mine Water and the Environment, v. 25, no. 2, June 2006.
2006 |
Gammons, C.H., Duaime, T.E., Parker S.R., Grant T.R., and Botsford W. S., 2006, Geochemistry and Hydrogeology of Acid Mine Drainage in the Great Falls- Lewistown Coal Field, Montana: Proc. 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, St. Louis, MO, March, 2006, p. 630-647.
2006 |
Gammons, C.H., Metesh, J.J., and Duaime, T.E., 2006, An Overview of the Mining History and Geology of Butte, MT: Mine Water and the Environment, v. 25, no. 2, June 2006.
2005 |
Botsford, Bill and Duaime, Ted, 2005, New Opportunities for Solving Acid Mine Drainage Problems in Rural Montana, Big Sky Clearwater: v. XXXV, Issue 1, Spring 2005.
2005 |
Botsford, W.S., Kennelly, P., Duaime, T.E., September 2005, Source Control of Acid Mine Drainage at Belt, MT and Three Dimensional Modeling with GIS: 27th Annual Conference National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs, Bristol, VA., September 18-21, 2005.
2005 |
Gammons, C. H., Shope, C. L., and Duaime, T. E., 2005, A 24 Hour Investigation of the Hydrogeochemistry of Baseflow and Stormwater in an Urban Area Impacted by Mining: Butte, Montana: Hydrol. Process., 19: 2737–2753. doi: 10.1002/hyp.5783.
1997 |
Buchanan, L.R., Nolen, C.H., Bourquin, A.W., and Duaime, T.E., 1997, Design Decisions for Soil Biotreatment at the Montana Pole Site: in In-Situ and On-Situ Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1997.
1997 |
Robbins, R.G., Berg, R.B., Dysinger, D.K., Duaime, T.E., Metesh, J.J., Diebold, F.E., Twidwell, L.G., Mitman, G.G., Chatham, W.H., Huang, H.H., and Young, C.A., 1997, Chemical, Physical and Biological Interaction at the Berkeley Pit, Butte, Montana, Tailings and Mine Waste ‘97 (Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste ‘97) p. 529 - 541, Brookfield, VT: A.A. Balkema.
1995 |
Duaime, T.E., Metesh, J.J., Bergantino, R.N., Burns, G., Yovich, M.J., Lee-Roark, C., Smart, E.W., and Ford, J.M., 1995, Hydrologic Aspects of Remediation of Metal Mine Impacts on Upper Clark Fork Superfund Sites, Butte-Warm Springs, Montana: in Northwest Geology, v. 24, Field Guide to Geologic Excursions in Southwest Montana, Proceedings, Rocky Mountain Section, GSA Annual Meeting, Bozeman, Montana, v. 24, p. 99-157, May 16-21, 1995.
1995 |
Metesh, J.J., Lonn, J.D., Duaime, T.E., Marvin, R.M., and Wintergerst, R., 1995, Abandoned-Inactive Mines in the Deerlodge National Forest: Volume II: Cataract Creek Drainage, Final Report to U.S. Department of Agriculture, USFS, p. 163, May 1995.
1993 |
Duaime, T.E., Metesh, J.J., and Miller, M.R., 1993, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Monitoring and Sampling Activities Related to the Flooding Underground Mines and Berkeley Pit, Butte, Montana (Abstract): Mine Operations and Closure Short Course, Helena, Montana, April 27-29, 1993.
1989 |
Lewis, S.E., Berg, R.B., Duaime, T.E., and Czehura, S.J., 1989, Trip 8 Road Log, Butte Mining District - Montana's History and Legacy: Montana Geological Society Field Conference, p. 522-527.
1988 |
Griffin, M.J., Appleman, R.A., and Duaime, T.E., 1988, Winterization: Considerations and Efforts: The 5th National Conference on Hazardous Wastes and Hazardous Materials, April 1988.
1986 |
Duaime, T.E., 1986, Project Summary: Impacts on Water Quality from Plow-Out and Saline-Seep Reclamation Practices: Stillwater County, Montana, October 1986. Contract No. 223-85-2084.
1986 |
Duaime, T.E., Moore, H.R., Harrison, B.J., and Holzer, J.M., 1986, Hydrogeologic Controls on Saline-Seep Development, Geraldine, MT: Third Canadian Hydrogeologic Conference, April 1986.
1985 |
Duaime, T.E., Sonderegger, J.L., and Zakuski, M., 1985, Hydrogeology of the Colorado Tailing Area, Butte, Montana: in C.E. Carlson and L.L. Bahls, eds., Proceedings of the Clark Fork River Symposium. Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology, p. 4-20.
1982 |
Duaime, T.E., 1982, Water Monitoring and Reclamation Construction Alternatives for the Colorado Tailings, Butte, Montana: Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology.